Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Silence and Laughter!

The silence of intense concentration, gales of laughter, or serious art talk, that was it!

The days spent on Sullivan's Island with my 11 new friends were as remarkable as any I have ever spent. I'm still reveling in the conversations we had and reliving the periods of intense silent concentration as we painted side-by-side in the house, in the gardens, on the beaches, sidewalks and cemeteries of Charleston. It was a silence accentuated by the rolling surf outside and a delicious oil paint scent in the air. It was a silence punctuated by howls of laughter as we got punch drunk on the sheer joy of it all!

I'm home from my trip to Charleston, SC, for the Women Painting Women opening at Robert Lange Studios AND the inaugural WPW on Expedition on Sullivan's Island AND my two-day workshop at Gadsden Museum of Art. Whew!

More about the Expedition later, but first came a Thursday night preview of the show and a party for the artists at the gallery director, Carrie's home on South Battery Drive. As gallery co-owner Megan Lange said it so well "Charleston will take care of ya". I'll let the photos tell the story.

The Friday WPW show opening was a jam-packed, shoulder-to-shoulder great reception! The show will be up through the end of November.

My daughter and model for "Voice of the Tiger" came to the reception,
(along with her new pink hair). 

Next came the after party.

Me with the Women Painting Women Website visionaries,
Diane Feissel, Sadie Valeri and Alia El-Bermani.

Here's a video of a walk through of the entire show posted by Robert Lange Studios.

If you're like us and can't get enough of the WPW show here are links for Diane Feissel's blog, that has many links to other artist's work and Sadie Valeri's blog, (who needed less sleep than I did and blogged the entire trip daily, well worth the read!) and the blogs of Linda Tracey Brandon, Alia El-Bermani, Mia Bergeron and Alex Tyng!

Here's a link to a wonderful blog, Underpaintings about all things art by Matthew Innis, read his take on gender specific shows. 

I'm not ready to leave this subject and will soon do another post about the Expedition and working plein air...but for now I must go paint!


  1. The entire experience looks and sounds to have been very special and exceptionally inspiring! Would that I lived close enough to have participated in this! I am a woman who regularly paints women and gearing up for a series I have had in my mind for some time...first painting is close to being finished. Enjoyed your photos very much
    and so much of the art on those walls is exceptional!
    I noticed some by Sharon Knettle...a favorite of mine.

  2. It was great Karen. You should be on the look out for WPW events in the future, they may turn up. Yes Sharon Knettell's pastel was huge and amazing. I've never seen such a large wonderful pastel. She is in one of the pictures with me. Happy painting your new series.
