Sunday, April 17, 2011

Divine Comedy in the Studio

Have I said lately that I love my job? AND The Incognito Project? 'Cause when your doing "camp" there is no such thing as "too far", and sometimes when exploring "camp" you just may stumble on "poignant".

I had all my lights out for the "Photography for Artists" workshop yesterday, so I decided to shoot photo reference for Harold's Incognito Project painting. I do not usually share reference photos of models but I don't think Harold will mind.
Harold is a skull owned by my friend Janie. This isn't the first time Harold has been under my brush. A couple of years ago Harold and Janie's son, Pete, modeled when I did a few paintings exploring mortality and Hamlet. Pete is the perfect Danish Prince and Harold is a dead ringer for Yorick.
"Goodnight Sweet Prince", oil, 37x24
 "I Knew Him Well", oil, 15x30
 "Memento Mori", oil, 36x56
Pete and Janie have modeled for The Incognito Project as well, but no peeking at those till the paintings are done. 

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