Friday, May 13, 2011

Portrait Society of America Conference 2011

I can't seem to find time to blog about the super cool event almost two weeks ago in Atlanta, GA, so I refer you to my friend Diane Feissel's blog! She's got all the links. Also check out the many blog posts of artist Matthew Innis about the Conference and all things art related, Underpaintings.
(this photo courtesy of Anne Nelson Sweat).
Yet more painters! L-R, back row first: Sadie Valeri, me, Terry Strickland, Alia El-Bermani, Cindy Procious.
 (this photo courtesy of Diane Feissel)
It was great to be in the company of almost 850 artists, watching demos by the likes of David Leffel, Jeremy Lipking, Mary Whyte, Anthony Ryder, and Michael Shane Neal. Next year it's in Philly.

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