Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hear Ye, Read All About It

The thrill of change, new galleries, new publishing company, new adventure's in the air at Terry Strickland Art.

Interested in keeping collectors, students, friends and family up to date, I'm creating a newsletter, first edition Sept. 15, 2011. 

The newsletter will be monthly, not too long but chock full of news about upcoming shows, workshops and new paintings fresh off the easel. It will include a teaching spotlight, art world musings and of course lots of pretty pictures.

I'm using Mail Chimp, a "newsletter publishing platform". I settled on this service because several art friends have used it and been pleased.

Wow, there's so much to learn! They have many video tutorials but it does take time to sort through it all.

The trickiest thing is creating a recipient list. I don't want to risk getting reported as spam, plus it's not cool to jam up the in boxes of people who don't really care about Terry Strickland Art, so I'm starting from scratch on a brand new email list.

Even though this had been a good deal of work setting everything up I know it the long run it will help me safely keep in touch with the people that really care about my work.

Sneak peek at the first issue...
A new painting, "The Bribe"... is that Athena, Eve or Wall Street?
Incognito Project Update
New Gallery Representation
A New Strickland Family Business


  1. Yes! I'm so pleased you're doing a newsletter and just signed up. Thanks Terry.

  2. Thanks Tricia! It's been a learning process for sure.
