Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Free Gamblin Fast Matte Demo

Hey Birmingham area folks!

I'm doing a FREE painting demo at  Forstall Art Center this coming Saturday, 10am-12pm. I'll be demonstrating underpianitng techniques with Gamblin Artists Colors Fast Matte and other paint. Call them at (205) 870-0480 to sign-up. Feel free to share this info with everyone.
Here is a post about the last underpainting demo I did for them here


  1. Will you be painting from a photograph?
    Wait that is a stupid question.

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    Why thank you for asking! That is not stupid question at all since I work from both photographs and from life. This demo will be from life as was the previous demo I did at Forstall Art. Maybe you've missed my posts of my oil sketches done at the life drawing group I regularly attend?

    I invite you to stop hiding behind these ridiculous passive aggressive Anonymous posts and share your work with us. I love sharing high quality art of other artists on my blog and would be happy to share yours!

    Thanks for being a reader.
