Friday, November 2, 2012

The Incognito Project Exhibit is Upon Us!

I can hardly believe the show is tomorrow!

The 5 year old in me wonders why there is no smell of cookies baking. I'm so excited, surely it's the day before Christmas.

It's been a busy week, varnishing, framing, hauling, shopping, cleaning and organizing. I am savoring every minute as this project comes to a close. 
My daughter cropping large pictures of the event that are included in the show. 
Three levels of shelves in the Mazda.

Hubby Dan hanging the show.

Yesterday our 80 advance copies of the book came in. Talk about close timing. I've never been so happy to see a FedEx guy in my life! All the parts of the project have come together.
The only thing left is the "Partying, partying, partying, yeah."

Which we actually started a little early when I previewed the show for a few VIP friends that are going to be out of town for the weekend.
The playful boys from "Let the Games Begin"
The model for "The Rake".
And "The Harpist" model. 
So if you're in the Birmingham, AL area tomorrow, Nov 3, 2012, 5-9 pm, stop by and see us!

 Art Folk Gallery, Young and Vann Building, 1731 1st Avenue North.


  1. Terry, congratulations on your show. I am in awe/admiration/inspiration of your hard work, perseverance,and skill. I wish I could see it in person. Perhaps one day! Again, heartfelt congratulations!

  2. Thank you R.L. It was really fun. I'll post pictures soon. Happy painting!
