RJD Gallery is hosting it's
1st Annual Women Painting Women Exhibition. It is a juried show of
favorite paintings of women by women, with a focus on contemporary, living artists.
Opening Saturday, September 21, 2013
I'm so pleased to announce that my painting
Primavera, has been accepted to show alongside the work of 29 other artists. I'm thrilled to be showing with so many artists I've long admired!
Primavera, 24x24, oil on panel |
Also included in the show: Erin Anderson, Melinda Borysevicz, Ann Chwatsky, Elaine Despins, Teresa Elliot, Loretta Fasan, Ingrid Cappozzoli Flinn, Noelle Giddings, Haley Hasler, Pam Hawkes, Barbara Kacicek, Anne Marie Kornachuk, Andrea Kowch, Maria Kreyn, Catherine Lucas, Victoria Novak, Teresa Oaxaca, Isabel Olivares, Kat O'Neill, Claire Klarewicz-Oskur, Joyce Polance, Rene Porter, Kyla Zoe Rafert, Harriet Sawyer, Victoria Selbach, Margo Selski,
Adrienne Stein, Maggie Taylor, Xiaolu Zhang.
Women have been a main subject in art as far back in history as any of us can think. And yet that subject has predominantly been presented from the perspective of male artists. Women Painting Women (the blog, the exhibitions as well as our small group) has continually tried to feature and promote paintings that share a different perspective. We frequently wonder - do women see themselves differently? Are women artists representing a bit more of what it means to be a woman, in the art that they create? We argue that women are not merely eye candy or decorative fodder. We seek to promote the work of figurative painters that share these more varied and complex views of women. ~Alia El-Bermani on behalf of the Women Painting Women group
See below the break for a few details of the painting and more info about Women Painting Women: