"Longing" has been an interesting painting for me to watch people view. I ask them what is the girl looking at? What is her relationship with the young man in the background? I get a different answer every time.

I was trying to capture a certain longing that seems to be a human condition. Wherever we are, don't we always wonder what else is out there? Are we taken away from the here and now moment, the people that we are with, by the distractions of the modern world?

It was a challenge to paint the young man's face looking at the girl. The first time I painted him he was looking at me. For me when one of the models is looking at the viewer it is an invitation for us to participate in the drama.

Here's the original sketchbook page for this painting. I jot down ideas, really just thumbnails of concepts not meant to be beautiful by any means, simply a reminder to myself. I overheard someone say "pressed up against the glass" and they meant wanting something badly, I think that's what started me thinking about this as a painting. There is a Bonnie Raitt song, "Longing in Their Hearts" that is on a similar theme.
This painting may also be viewed also on the
Available Works Page of my website.